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i wrote the first 50 articles to my daughter when I was 50…
And then it became a tradition for me to publish this article every year on my birthday…
Adding one item at a time onto the course 🙏

  2. Don’t attach happiness to any conditions… First, let it be this, let it be this, let it be that I’m happy, first you learn to be happy in spite of everything; then things that will make you happy already come to you…
  1. Being grateful is the most powerful prayer you can think of… Be grateful with your heart.. When you give thanks, the ones you give thanks multiply.. As complaints will multiply when you complain…
  2. Your thoughts and words radiate energy.. Manage to control what you think and say.. For this, be in the ”moment“; be ”aware”..
  1. Don’t hang out because I’ve been through this “why” when something happens to you that you don’t want; instead, I’m like, “what am I going to do about this situation that’s happening to me now?” think about it and move forward… the answer to why you had that incident is hidden there…
  2. If you’re okay, everyone’s fine, remember that.. The main thing is how these people treat you when you step on their calluses… Don’t be fooled by people’s “cute” behavior without witnessing it…
  3. Never give a person more than two chances… It is an exaggerated optimism to think that on a third chance that person will behave differently… It has been tried and tried; move on…

7.If you’re having the same problems over and over again, there are lessons you haven’t learned yet… find out what it is and learn your lesson so that this vicious circle changes…

  1. Look right in the eye of what you’re afraid of and walk on top of it… The things that scare you are the things where development opportunities are hidden…
  2. May you have dreams and passions that you can devote your life to… so that every time you think of them, you will be filled with the joy of life…
  3. Love yourself first and foremost and never feel guilty about it.. Love yourself so much that no one can love you, so that the belief that you are worthy of being loved will develop!
  1. Even if one day you will lose everything you have, “That’s who I am!” have enough personality to say… Make the biggest investment in your own development…
  2. No one is against you, but everyone is in favor of themselves first… Know this and remember this rule when trusting people so that you can have a dose of disappointments..
  3. Be aware that you can control your emotions.. Don’t let people upset you or annoy you the way they want to… Don’t let how you feel be at the mercy of other people… Don’t give them that power… Even in the most serious situation, be upset for 3 minutes, then forget it…
  4. Hosting grudges and hatreds.. This will hurt you the most.. Do not forgive a person who does not ask for forgiveness, but distract him from his thoughts.. Negative emotions make you sick, don’t let that happen..
  5. Help people, but don’t try to carry them… everyone comes to this world with the choices they make to realize themselves.. Exaggerating the dose of assistance, do not keep them out of the way…
  6. People don’t make sacrifices for them without asking you… and don’t make sacrifices that you’ll feel sorry for because they weren’t valued afterwards… Have you ever seen a person with a “bust of sacrifice” erected?
  7. Every person is inherently good, do not believe in deception.. People can be mean or cruel… Learn to recognize them for who they are and protect yourself…
  8. Of course, you have the freedom to ignore the society you live in… But when you do, remember that the society you ignore ignores you in return… If you can afford it, don’t stop…
  9. You don’t “have” to do anything in life… Don’t feel like a victim… There may be things that you just can’t afford the consequences of, and say it merrily… don’t say “I have to”; say “I choose to do it because I can’t afford the consequences”..
  1. Don’t be afraid of change… Everything comes and goes… Good days and bad days…
  2. First of all, be a “reliable” person… Reliability is the most important characteristic you can have…
  3. Learn to enjoy being alone and being alone… Have hobbies… Enjoy spending time with yourself… How can others enjoy you if you get bored of yourself?
  4. In your relationships with people, approach them not “what can I get”, but “what can I give”… The universe pays for what you give by multiplying it to you, even if they are not…
  5. Be friends with money… Don’t take the money away from yourself by having false beliefs that money is bad… but never in the name of making money
    don’t compromise your self-esteem or do a job you don’t like…
  1. Develop your spiritual side… Never stop searching for truth… Religions are the way.. You use your mind and intuition to determine the path to the truth with your free will…
  2. Do not carry the slightest fear of Allah… Instead, let Allah be your love… Fear will lock you up and enslave you.. Love, on the other hand, liberates you and always shows you the right way…
  3. When you don’t know what to do, think like this… how would “Love” behave in such a situation… Show the behavior shown by love, you won’t have a chance to do wrong…
  1. Find out what the people who give you advice have achieved themselves first, then listen and take into account…
  2. If you are not sure when you will make a choice, close your eyes and think about your options… The option that excites you and makes your heart beat is the right one… If none of them are going through it, multiply your alternatives until you find the one who is going through it…
  1. Don’t be afraid to apologize… Apologize if you’re wrong but don’t back down if you’re not…
  2. Know how to keep secrets… Cover up people’s weaknesses… Don’t share them with others…
  3. Don’t blame anyone… You don’t know what tomorrow will bring… What you blame may be your shame, remember…
  4. Have crazy sides… and do crazy crazy things.. Do not forget to take the child in you to the park from time to time and set him free…

34.Travel the world at all the opportunities you can find… Accumulate more experience and memories in your life than stuff…

35.Have a library in all the places you live, and I always read books filled with too many to fit in at least 15 every day… read a book… the most intense at this time already the invariable rule for Page 2 books a month, a year from 25 books, book to read at the age of fifty get 1,000…

  1. Don’t get too attached to anything, but know the value of your things… Don’t enlarge the places where you live, because your things are multiplying… Know how to share what you don’t need with those who need it…
  2. Love and protect animals… Always have an animal friend in your house… And remember, those who don’t love animals can’t love people…
  3. Not much, just have one or two very good friends… Don’t change your relationships and communication with them to anything… Don’t make the mistake of putting them in the background when you find a lover… When your lover comes and goes, those friends are the ones who will stay with you…
  1. Men are different from women… Unfortunately, in relationships with them, you need to be “smart”, not “natural”… Success and happiness in relationships with men have to be based on your mind, not your feelings… Sorry, honey…
  2. Be a “Mom” when the time comes… Don’t give up motherhood for fear of finding the right father… And remember, no matter what happens, “children are your mothers!”… Let the world go by, let your children go by… Don’t put them second for anything or anyone…
  1. Don’t marry a man you don’t like… But don’t marry just because you like it… What you call love runs out in three to five years… Marriage to a person you don’t match makes your life hell; believe me – it’s been tried…
  2. Know the value of your body… Protect it, take care of it and don’t share it carelessly according to your impulses…
  3. Men are children regardless of their age, and women are mothers… Don’t be disappointed december regular intervals by waiting for another kind…
  4. When choosing your spouse, be sure to get to know his family… Watch how his wife treats her mother… She will treat you the same way in the future…
  5. Be mobile… Walk for an hour every day… Drink plenty of water…
  6. What to do? learn to play a musical instrument… actively engage in at least one branch of art… Facilitate the expression of your feelings in this way so that they do not accumulate in you…
  7. Have a nice house… A house where you can find peace is a castle that heals you at the end of the day…
  8. Don’t give up when you can’t… Try… and try again… Then try again… Remember, as I’ve always said : You can achieve anything you want…
  9. And don’t be afraid to get older and get older… Live life to the fullest so that you can be proud to tell your true age when they ask…
  10. And after all, don’t be afraid to die either…. When you’re on a plane trip, if suddenly the plane starts to fall and you feel that it’s coming to an end, live like you can close your eyes and surrender in peace… If you have something missing when you close your eyes, complete it while you still have time…
  11. When you help a loser who has spent his whole life with all sorts of losses to get up, be prepared in advance for this: when he starts winning, unfortunately, you will be the first person he will try to beat…
  12. Learn to tell people your own feelings openly… no one may have enough time and energy to guess how you feel.. Unfortunately, waiting to be understood without telling, dear, is a luxury of the age of romance…
  13. Read them and keep them in one corner of your mind… but have the courage to experience your own truths… No matter what anyone says, even if it’s your mother, never compromise your freedom and authenticity!
  1. In life, you have only two options. Either “EVOLVE” or repeat the same thing you went through! If you want to change what you are going through, all you have to do is realize why you are going through this; understand what “acceptance” it is caused by, try to change it by understanding it. Do not hesitate to get “divine” support to achieve this.
    You’ll know what I mean. The phenomenon called religion is the belief in what others are going through, accepting their beliefs; while spiritualism is nothing but experiencing their own realities and believing in what they are going through. You don’t have to be spiritual; then study quantum physics well! When I see that they came to the same place, you will already give me the right. Whatever you do, make an effort to change the events in your life that you do not like to repeat. Change yourself first so that YOUR LIFE CAN CHANGE!

And honey, don’t ever, ever forget that… no matter the circumstances, no matter where I am, no matter what you’ve done, I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything in this world and I can’t love you… And I’m always there for you…

Leyla Özlem Demir (Your Mother)

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